The life science and biotech PR distribution service

About us


The Biotech Newswire (formerly B3C newswire) was founded by Dr. Sabine Duntze over 20 years ago. At that time Sabine realized that there was no biotech newswire available suited to the needs of biotech, medtech and life science companies. Sabine has over 20 years of marketing and PR experience in the biotech sector, a strong scientific background through many years of research at the Pasteur Institute in Paris (supported by a Boehringer Ingelheim grant) and at the Max Planck Institute for Immunobiology in Freiburg, Germany.

The Biotech Newswire has an unrivaled reach in biotech, pharma, medtech and life science trade media worldwide with many specialized channels, micro lists and KOLs. The press releases are distributed according to the editors' preferences to achieve maximum awareness. All of our media outlets and editorial contacts of our biotech and life science newswire have been hand-picked in over 20 years in business and are routinely kept up-to-date.

We aim for earned media coverage as this is the most trusted source of information. Earned media means that we send your press release to editors and journalists while competitor newswires focus on owned media distribution, i.e. they place press releases on hundreds of websites under their control. Only earned media gives you third-party credibility and act as multipliers because of their targeted readership. Therefore, coverage in earned media is what biotech, medtech and life science companies need to promote their products and services.


> Specialized channels
> Artificial Intelligence
> Distribution options
> References


Contact us for pricing